Happy Friday! Sadly, Christmas break is over for me and it’s back to reality! We do get to start these two days back to school with a 3 hour delay, so it’s not exactly back to reality….more like an ease into it! LOL I’ll take it!
I’m always up for a snow day or school delay! I love my job, but there is nothing better than thinking you have to go to work and then realizing you don’t! We had a three hour delay yesterday morning too and this is how I spent it:
Eating pancakes and catching up on Monday night’s episode of The Bachelor. I hate when the national championship playoff is on Monday nights! I had to record The Bachelor because I was too busy watching Alabama kill Clemson in the semi-playoff game. Next stop: the national championship!
I started a new bible study this week and I’m really enjoying it so far! I’m using this book, which puts the bible in an easy to read format. 🙂
Sparkly vans? Yes, please! I LOVE these shoes and they are surprisingly comfy!
I have a few beauty favorites that I’ve really been loving this week!
I washed my foundation brush earlier this week and just had to share on Instagram with y’all. So many of y’all replied raving about this brush too! It’s simply the best thing to apply your foundation with. Love!
Ya’ll. I am 31 years old and I can quite certainly say I’ve never taken my picture with no makeup on, much less post one on the internet for all the world to see, but this exfoliating facial mask is worth all the makeup free selfies! Santa knew what he was doing when he brought me this. I have tried MANY face masks, but this one is now my absolute favorite. It leaves your skin feeling so smooth and fresh. I use it 2-3 a week and I am obsessed! Seriously, y’all I cannot say enough good things about this one.
I’ve also got two book favorites to share with y’all!
I finished an ARC of The Wife Between Us that St. Martin’s Press sent me and I loved it! It’s a thriller that keeps you guessing. I did figure out the main twist early on, but that didn’t spoil the rest of the story for me. I did have two issues with this one so it wasn’t a full 5 star read for me, but overall I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it!
I’m also finished with Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell and oh my goodness gracious! I am LOVING this one! It’s about a woman whose 15 year old daughter goes missing and is never found. Years later she meets a man and falls in love and when she goes to meet his daughter, she looks exactly like HER daughter that went missing. It is fabulous!!! It comes out in April, but I ordered the UK edition on Amazon because I just couldn’t wait.
Filming videos for my new Youtube channel took up a large part of my week, but I’m determined to overcome my fear of talking to a camera in 2018! You can subscribe to my Youtube channel here. Right now it only has two videos on it and both are about books, but I hope to eventually include some beauty favorites as well! Teacher friends, you can subscribe to my teaching channel here!
I had the hardest time getting started because my SD card kept filling up and not working! Thankfully I asked y’all for help on Instagram and your suggestions worked! I just love the internet sometimes 🙂
After all that trouble with the SD card, I finally got the video filmed, edited, and uploaded! You can watch my top ten favorite thrillers here. 🙂
Strawberries, grapes, and spinach. The only “salad” I’ll ever come close to eating! LOL #pickyeater
I’ll leave you with a picture of a happy teacher with her coffee and three hour delay. 🙂
Happy Friday, friends! 🙂
Such a fun Friday favs! These are always my favorite types of posts to write and read. I love me some bachelor!! I am also so loving this filming kick you have been on. I always remember book recommendations better in videos. Keep up the good work girl!
Juliana Grace | julianagraceblogspace.com