Friends, guess who is finally out of her reading slump! Oh man, I have been struggling on the reading front here lately, but this month completely changed that. In January and February I read a combined 7 books and in March alone I read that many books. And what’s even better is the fact that I enjoyed all 7 of them! I cannot wait to share these reads with y’all, so let’s dive in!
Indecent by Corinne Sullivan
I started the month reading Indecent by Corinne Sullivan. This was a story about a new teacher who gets a job as a teacher’s aide at a boarding school. I’m all about boarding school books, so I quickly downloaded this one and I was so invested in this storyline. The main character made SO many bad choices and I spent a large portion of the book screaming at her, but I really enjoyed it!
Synopsis: A new teacher gets a job at a boarding school and starts a relationship with a student.
Rating: 4 STARS
Surprise Me by SophieKinsella
The next book I read in March was the March book pick for our #lalalifebookclub. It was Sophie Kinsella’s newest book Surprise Me. Sadly I didn’t enjoy this one as much as I thought I would. I still liked it, but I was hoping for that trademark Sophie Kinsella humor and this one was much more serious than I wanted. Be sure and check out the comments here and here to see what everyone else thought.
Synopsis: A man and woman have been married for 10 years and when they go to their yearly checkup, the doctor tells them they will live another 68 years. They freak out and start to try and spice up their marriage. In the process of this, they discover things that they didn’t know about each other…and not all of it is good.
Rating: 3 STARS
Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser
My March Book of the Month book finally arrived and I started reading it immediately. Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser is being compared to Big Little Lies and I can see the comparison, but sadly I didn’t love it as much as BLL. I did enjoy this one though. Just like with the Sophie Kinsella book, I was hoping for more of the humor that Big Little Lies has (even though the subject matter in both books is incredibly serious, I like the way BLL portrayed it better)
Synopsis: This one follows the lives of several different women who live in a close neighborhood. One woman disappears with her two kids and story follows the mystery of what happened.
Rating: 3 STARS
Sunburn by Laura Lippman
Sunburn is a book I discovered through those Goodreads ads. Sometimes I purchase books from those ads and they let me down, but this one was SO good! I had never read anything from this author, but I loved her writing. I couldn’t put this one down. Loved it!
Synopsis: A woman and man meet in a town that both are just passing through one summer. They start a relationship, but neither are being honest about their intentions.
Rating: 4 STARS
Shuffle, Repeat by Jen Klein
Young Adult used to be my go to genre, but then I started having bad luck with the stories and now I’m a bit hesitant to pick up YA books. For some reason, this one caught my eye at the bookstore and I started reading it. I loved this one! It was such a cute, light hearted read. I love a good friends to lovers story and this is one I highly recommend!
Synopsis: A senior in high school starts giving a ride to his neighbor, a girl who he has known his whole life and whose mom is best friends with her mom. The girl used to have a crush on the guy, but then he became popular and she didn’t. It follows their senior year of high school and how they reconnect.
Rating: 5 STARS
Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney
You know how sometimes you just keep hearing about certain books? This one was one that I have been seeing and hearing about for the longest time, so when it was finally released, I immediately bought it. All the buzz surrounding this one is so well deserved. Y’all, this is one of my newest favorite thrillers of all time! I loved this one and cannot say enough good things about it. You will love all the twists in this one! I was shocked until the very last page. LOVED it!
Synopsis: A woman is in a coma, but she can hear everything that is going on around her. The story goes back and forth between her in the coma, a week before the accident that leaves her in a coma, and a diary from her childhood.
Rating: 5 STARS
Archer’s Voice by Mia Sheridan
Y’all know romance is my very favorite genre of all, but I have been in a MAJOR romance books slump since last year. A girl at Barnes and Noble told me about this one and said it was her newest favorite book and she convinced me to read it even though it sounded like something I wouldn’t like. I’m really glad she convinced me to try it out though! It was a lot more serious than I like my romance books to be and it was MAJORLY cheesy, but even so I really liked this story. It is R rated, so be warned. And really cheesy. But the story itself was so interesting and addicting.
Synopsis: This is the story of a girl who comes to a new town after her dad is murdered and she meets the town recluse who cannot speak and they fall in love.
Rating: 3.5 STARS (the cheesy-ness affected my rating, but I still really enjoyed this one!)
Transcend by Jewel E.Ann
Technically I finished this last book early Sunday morning of April 1st, but I’m going to count it as part of March’s books because I would have finished it last night if I hadn’t fallen asleep.Y’all.This book. I read Jewel E. Ann’s other book When Life Happens last summer after a friend recommended it to me and I wasn’t in love with it. When Goodreads notified me that the author had a new book out, I wasn’t dying to read it. Then I saw the cover. I’m not usually one for shirtless guys on the cover, but this guy looks like John Kennedy, Jr, so I became VERY interested in this one. I read it in a day. ONE day. This is book one in a duology and the second book comes out April 9th.I immediately requested an ARC from the publisher as soon as I finished this one because I don’t know if I can wait 9 days. Oh my goodness, this book is SOOOOOO good! It’s completely unique and I have NO idea what’s going to happen in book 2. I’m so nervous!
Synopsis: A girl takes a job as a nanny to a recently widowed single father. The girl discovers that she has memories of the man when he was younger, but she has never met him before.
Rating: 5 STARS
To hear more thoughts on the books I read in March, watch my Youtube video and subscribe here!
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I was so excited to read Not That I Could Tell but was actually disappointed in it. It was nothing like I thought it was going to be.