I bought a sewing machine four years after convincing myself that I was destined to become the next winner of Project Runaway. That dream fizzled when the needle hit a pin and broke and I couldn’t figure out how to replace it. The machine sat in my spare closet for the next few years until recently, when I resolved to learn how to sew. It was surprisingly not near as hard as I thought. I’ve whipped up quite a few pillows for my front and back porches since replacing the broken needle and I’m currently searching high and low for other projects that feature sewing! 🙂
Super cute!! Can not wait to see what else you whip out. Future business maybe?
Well, at least you managed to find a new purpose for your sewing machine. I actually think that you have put it to good use, seeing how lovely those new throw pillows are. I hope you can share more of those beautiful creations of yours, Leslie! Kudos and all the best to you! 🙂
Melissa Robinson @ Pillow Perfect