Happy Friday, friends! This week’s Friday Five topic is all about my favorite book covers. As I was creating this post and pulling books, I noticed that I have a definite type when it comes to book covers. All of them look like a quirky folk art print LOL. I’d love to hear what types of book covers you like!

I haven’t read Good Riddance by Elinor Lipman yet, but the cover is probably one of my all time favorites. The font is marvelous, but I love the way the girl’s stripe shirt looks combined with the background color. It’s just so fun. I picked this one up after I read On Turpentine Lane by the same author. I really enjoyed that one, so I thought I would read another EL book. With a cover this pretty it can’t be bad, right? ha! 🙂

The Hopefuls by Jennifer Close is not only a really great read, but it also has such a beautiful cover. I absolutely love the artwork for this book. The girl’s hair, the striped clothing, the perfection of it all. If you love character driven stories, you’ll love this one. It follows two people as they work on the Obama campaign in 2008. It’s fiction, but reads like narrative nonfiction. It’s flawless!

How striking is this book cover?? I loved Cleo McDougal Regrets Nothing and the cover matches the tone of the story perfectly. The hair, the sunglasses, the way the white house is shown in front of Cleo. Gorgeous!

I am so excited about reading Sawkill Girls based on the cover alone. It sounds different than what I normally read, but I am just drawn in by the artwork on the front cover. I love the way the hair is covering the entire top portion The moths are a little terrifying, but I am just obsessed with everything else.

By now you’ve noticed a pattern, right? I just love the cover of Leslie Cohen’s This Love Story Will Self-Destruct. This is another one that is just such a good, understated story. It’s heavily character driven and I remember absolutely hating the main character for the entire first half of the book, but let me tell you, I ended up loving This Love Story Will Self-Destruct. It came out before bookstagram really became a big thing, so I feel like this one isn’t a well known title. I definitely recommend it though!
I would love to hear what book covers you adore!
Check out my other Friday Five posts:
5 #1 Books from the Past 5 Years
5 Favorite Books from Popular Authors